Professions at the FAC


Nearly 450 people work at the Court in a variety of different professions. As many as 270 are employed as court clerks; another 73 are judges, there are about 60 legal assistants, and the General Secretariat encompasses a multitude of other diverse activities. Read more about the different professions here.

  • Judges

    Judges work in one of the six divisions of the Federal Administrative Court. Each division is devoted to specific areas. Judges are responsible for ensuring that complaints and litigation proceedings are properly conducted. The instructing judge appointed to handle the case is responsible for the statement of facts, e.g. for gathering evidence and conducting a hearing (usually in written form), and weighing the arguments put forward by the parties.

    Only then does the actual adjudication process start. This normally involves one main judge, two fellow judges and a court clerk (acting in an advisory capacity). Where necessary, cross-divisional panels may be composed. This is done, for example, if:

    • a legal issue concerns the common areas of law in the respective remits of the divisions;
    • the expertise of another division is required on a point of law;
    • judges in other divisions are called upon to balance the workload.

    The panel considers the arguments put forward by the parties and the facts and evidence in the light of constitutional provisions and statutory rules. It weighs these with reference to the dispute submitted to the Court for a ruling.

    The written judgment is drafted by the court clerk under the authority of the presiding judge.

  • Court clerks
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    Around 230 court clerks, all of whom with legal training, work in one of the FAC's six divisions. Two to four court clerks are assigned to a single judge or are part of a pooling system where they may be assigned to work with several judges.

    Their main task is to assist the judge with investigations and decisions in the case. Under the responsibility of the judge, they prepare reports and draft judgments. Court clerks act in an advisory capacity. In addition, they prepare transcripts of hearings and consultations. They are also responsible for editing and anonymising judgments that have been marked for publication and/or disclosure to third parties.

  • Registry staff

    The employees in the divisional registries have an important support function. Thanks to their comprehensive commercial training, they can perform multifarious tasks for the Divisions including procedural administration.

    «Working in a court registry means actively collaborating in the smooth functioning of justice, which is particularly rewarding.»

    Sara Marrollo, registry staff

  • Professions in the General Secretariat
    • Informaticist

    • Facility manager

    • Research assistants

    • Librarians

    • Secretarial staff

    • Communications specialists

    • Accountants

    • HR assistants

    • Legal assistants

    • Security staff

    • Central staffing employees

    • various more ...