Aisle of the General Secretariat

General Secretariat


The General Secretariat provides the necessary infrastructure for day-to-day operations at the FAC and assists the divisions with a large number of scientific and administrative support services. These services are also offered to the Federal Patent Court (FPC) against payment.

The General Secretariat comprises five departments: Human Resources, Finance and Services, IT & Transformation, Scientific Services, and Legal Services. These departments are supported by a number of central staff units: FCPC supervision, data protection, information security and public relations office, staff & assistants (including language services), communication, and the central registry & scanning centre. The  broad range of services is provided by a staff of some 80 people. 

Executive Secretary

Sara Szabo has been Executive Secretary of the Federal Administrative Court since November 2023. The heads of the five departments and the staff units report to her. The Executive Secretary ad interim is also responsible for coordinating administrative tasks with the other federal courts and with the federal administration.

In herfunction as Executive Secretary of the Plenary Court, the Presidents’ Conference and the Administrative Commission, the Executive Secretary attends the meetings of the governing bodies in an advisory capacity. She is responsible for preparing their business and implementing their decisions. Together with the President of the Court, she represents the business of the governing bodies before the supervisory and oversight bodies.

Sara Szabo
Sara Szabo

Executive Secretary

Fields and support staff

  • Finance and Services

    Finance and Services is responsible for financial planning and budgeting, accounting, financial reporting, controlling and quality management. It is also responsible for infrastructure, internal support services and satisfying heightened security requirements. These tasks are structured into four units: Housekeeping, Reception, Security and Logistics.

    Giovanni Urgesi
    Giovanni Urgesi

    Head of Finance and Services

  • Human Resources

    The Human Resources (HR) is responsible for all personnel processes: workforce planning, recruitment, human resources management, remuneration, human resources and organisational development and employee departures. Providing a comprehensive range of professional services, HR lends support to managers and employees in their work and development.

    Evelyne Vucic

    Head of Human Resources ad interim

  • Communication

    The Media and Communications Service manages internal and external communications. Among other things, it is responsible for public and media relations, publication of the annual report, the employee newsletter, the court’s intranet and internet websites and all court publications. In addition, it advises FAC executive bodies on strategic and operative aspects of corporate communication.

    Rocco Maglio
    Rocco Maglio

    Press secretary / Head of communication a.i.

  • Legal Services and Registry

    The Legal Services and Registry assist the executive bodies in legal matters and provide other necessary services for the proper functioning of the Court and the administration of justice. On the one hand, the department is involved in the crafting of legislation. It also prepares opinions for the Federal Council and Parliament alongside framework papers and internal directives. Moreover, it represents the Court in appeals and other proceedings which fall outside the responsibilities of the Divisions. On the other hand, the Legal Services are responsible for ensuring the proper flow of documents within the Court.

    Hannaleena Romano

    Head of Legal Services and Registry

  • IT services

    The Federal Administrative Court operates its IT in cooperation with the Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication (FOITT). Among other things, the IT team is responsible for IT planning and strategy, procurement of IT services (external and FOITT), technology, the provision of the requisite IT infrastructure, training and advanced training in court-specific software solutions (e.g. business administration and case allocation software or in-house online fora) and the implementation of IT projects. IT Security at the Federal Administrative Court (ISBO) is also part of the IT.

    Muriel Schwenzel
    Muriel Schwenzel

    Head of IT

  • Scientific services

    With its specialist library, and strategic information coordination, Scientific Services provides access to information and also offers non-legal expertise on business administration, economics, and country analyses. Court decisions by the FAC are published by Scientific Services in the electronic judgments database and in the Official Bulletin of Decisions of the Federal Administrative Court (DFAC). 

    Bernhard Fasel
    Bernhard Fasel

    Head of Scientific Service - Deputy Executive Secretary

  • Staff & Supports

    The Staff & Supports central staff unit reports directly to the Executive Secretary. It is responsible for providing management support to the governing bodies (Administrative Commission, Presidential Council and Plenary Court), and to the President, Vice President, Executive Secretary and Deputy Secretary General, and administrative assistance to Legal Services and the FCPC oversight. It is also in charge of language services.

    Sandrine  Kuster
    Sandrine Kuster

    Head of Staff & Supports